Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ryan's Got a Girlfriend

The tabloid (and regular) news is all abuzz about Ryan Seacrest having a new girlfriend. It's even more abuzz about Ryan admitting he'd be open to hooking up with CBS anchor Katie Couric.

Maybe they should do a Cougar show about that!

It's no wonder that Ryan met a new gal right now because his feng shui Relationship direction has the Transformation Star on it this month. That means making new friends as well as letting go of old.

But it's doubtful this relationship will last because the Transformation Star has a flip side to it: Disaster.

On top of that the yearly feng shui Star sitting on his Relationship direction is associated with having to work hard to make your relationships work for him. Given his schedule with Idol, the Top 40 show he does, all the travelling and other public events he's involved with even if he wanted to work hard at the relationship he probably doesn't have the time.

So what about his comment about Katie Couric? Well, Ryan's Success direction is associated with romance and older women so it's not surprising he would be interested in dating her. It could even be very beneficial for his career, particularly this year.

Are you looking to hook up with someone this year? Get my book '4 Easy Ways to Ignite Your Love Life and Fatten Up Your Wallet' and watch the sparks begin to fly!

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