Thursday, March 5, 2009

GM's Financial Woes

GM stock was down again and down big yesterday forcing the company to come out and say it may be forced into bankruptcy. The company will be 101 years old this year and it's feng shui energy is not good for 2009.

This year there is a Conflict Star on GM's Success direction and an Illness Star on it's Health direction. You may be thinking, 'How can a company have a Health direction when it's not a living thing?' Well the Health direction of a company relates to it's financial health.

This combination of Conflict and Illness is a tough one to overcome because this year in particular people will be against buying from GM even if they have the best product in the world and sustaining the financial health of an already run down company will be extremely difficult if not impossible.

The one thing that GM does have going for it is a fabulous Cash Flow star on its Relationship direction meaning people could come to the company's aid and bail them out BUT the Disaster Star also sits in the Relationship direction this month meaning disaster on career and cash flow. If GM can make it through March they stand a modest chance of recovering but if they don't my belief is that they're a goner.

When you know your 4 best directions and how to use feng shui to enhance the energy of the positive Stars and reduce the energy of the negative Stars then you're 3 steps ahead of the game of life. You can start right now with to feng shui your Stars and to feng shui your 4 best directions. It's quick, easy and effective.

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