Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dwyane Wade's Streak of Bad Luck

D-Wade, also known as Flash, Miami Heat Superstar isn't having as much luck off the court as he is on it.

His soon-to-be ex-wife, Siohvaughn, has accused the Olympian of adultery and infecting her with an STD. Lovely.

She also says that Dwyane, named Father of the Year in 2007, rarely sees his sons and has cut off financial support to them.

To top it all off he calls himself a devout Christian and says he chose the #3 because it represents the Holy Trinity. Just what I like to see. Another self proclaimed righteous church-goer who turns out to be a hypocrite. Too bad there's no shock value to this kind of story anymore.

Apparently his association with Mavericks High Charter Schools is on thin ice from all this bad publicity. They've taken his name off of the school and are re-thinking their relationship with him.

So why is a guy who had so much going for him for so long suddenly hitting the skids? Take a look at his feng shui and you can see it all.

First his Relationship direction has the Disaster Star on it this year and it's playing out for him this way already. His wife is speaking out against him and the Charter school has dropped him from their website with rumors that they're going to get rid of him all together.

If he had any sponsors waiting in the wings you can be sure they'll disappear this year.

On top of that he's likely to lose a lot of money this year either through his divorce (if I had Siohvaughn's birthday I could tell more), loss of sponsor contracts or spending it frivolously.

In any case it's going to be a rough year for Dwyane which is why he needs some feng shui advice. Using feng shui remedies to calm down the Disaster and Robbery Stars will help a lot.

If you know him tell him to use this to set up his feng shui for 2009:

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